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Carpigiani 241 Magica Token Soft Serve Machine

The Magica machine is a fully independent, token operated machine

High efficiency components: Achieve top performances and non-stop production

High performance machine: Its best location is in sites with many potential consumers, such as shopping centers, arcades, water parks, amusement parks, etc

Overrun and consistency control: Different consistency control settings for various mix types and easy adjustable overrun



Carpigiani 241 Magica Token Soft Serve Machine

The fully independent single flavor token operated machine. This commercial soft serve ice cream machine is best with high traffic location such as shopping centers, arcades, water parks, amusement parks etc. It is fully automated and has a protected dispensing system. After placing the cup on the cup holder and selecting the flavor, the product is dispensed.

Optional configurations

Self-pasteurization With our self-pasteurization system the machine can be cleaned and disassembled 9 times per year
Teorema Remote Control It gives very important info about the machine, it facilitates the service system and helps the cleaning schedule
Protected dispensing After placing the cup on the cup holder and having selected the flavor, the gelato is dispensed, always in a protected area

Features & Benefits

Direct expansion cooling cylinder Optimizes refrigeration efficiency for fast freeze downtime, less waste of product ensuring higher quality and energy saving
Rear chimney and reduced footprint Space optimization and machine installation next to each other
Interactive display Communicates with the user giving him instructions and data regarding the performance of the machine
Gear pump It pressurizes the mix with air and feeds the production cylinder for a creamier gelato with a high volume increase
Easy to use 4 simple and intuitive steps to dispense the gelato: 1) introduce the token, 2) position the cup/cone, 3) choose the flavour, 4) remove the cup/cone
High capacity cylinder Perfect for all dispensing circumstances, including the moments of greater production pressure
Product protection The upper refrigerated tank lid is key locked to prevent product contamination
Simplified cleaning Cleaning is facilitated thanks to the possibility of heating the cylinder and to the easy disassembly of the dispensing unit
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